Realm of Insanity

Who is Realm of Insanity?

Allow me to introduce ourselves. We are Realm of Insanity.

If you have been following the EverQuest progression over the last few years, you may have heard of us. In Underfoot, Realm of Insanity was introduced as a fluke. That newb progression server guild. They just got lucky, right?

Then came House of Thule. House of Thule was a critical point – Were these guys a one hit wonder, or were they truly a force to be reckoned? With reputation at stake, they rose to the challenge. Win after win, Realm of Insanity maintained on top; Realm of Insanity was number one.

And finally, Veil of Alaris. If there were any doubts about Realm of Insanity’s superiority, it ended January 10th. Not only a serverwide first expansion clear, but several other credentials were marked as well.. We defeated all tier four raids, before any other guild beat any. We beat thirteen of the fourteen raids before anyone else, while still enjoying an EverQuest free Christmas.

Basically, we’re awesome.

But enough about us. Let’s travel back, and look at the raids that lead us to this point.

Congratulations Everyone. We dominated that expansion. There’s simply no words to describe it. The entire guild rose up and came together in true RoI fashion.

And that’s all for Veil of Alaris, except a special thank you to these six people. Never in my EverQuest career have I met such a dedicated and efficient leadership team. Excellent work, we did it.

Stuff my guild says:

P.s.: Fuck books.

The Tier Above

Thus far, Veil of Alaris has been a test of three things:

  1. 1.Your ability to count five days on a calendar.
  2. 2.Your ability to click a book.
  3. 3.Your ability to raid Saturday mornings.

Thankfully, SoE added a fourth requirement:

  1. 4.Your ability to actually play EverQuest.

We’re still working on the third one.. Results to be determined.

Anyway, after sleeping in last Saturday, we ventured to Pandora The Beast’s Domain.

Here, we encountered several Na’Vi Alarans.

They seemed to have a draw to a Tree of Souls big tree.

But, the pesky Earthlings Norrathians insisted on doing damage.

And.. Well, the analogy breaks here, as Avatar didn’t have any retarded T-Rex Reindeer. But, a great win nonetheless.

Next up, Rubak Oseka.

As you can see, there’s some kind of Occupy Wallstreet Alaris drum circle occuring. Luckily, Realm of Insanity is the 1%.

(Note: Yes.. That’s the group mission in Rubak. They’re the same, go fuck yourself if you noticed)

Finally, Resplendent Temple.

Resplendent Temple brought back the feeling of accomplishment after defeating a raid; The feeling of greatness. It filled the void the rest of the expansion has been leaving.

There are few words to describe the emotion after this win.

We left energized, and ready for Tier Four.

Click the damn book!

Veil of Alaris: A new continent, with new content.

We’ve wasted no time with progression..

The new raids have refined our skills in:

  • Bumper-karts.
  • Playing with dolls action figures.
  • Punching sharks in noses.
  • Clicking the damn book.

And we get to keep doing it for a month. At least it’s not keys though… Right?

See ya in Tier 3!

‘Twas the night before Alaris

VoA Banner

Veil of Alaris is upon us.

Excitement abounds as the new expansion presents itself to the Everquest world tomorrow. I can honestly say that I have never been prouder of the group of people that I call guildmates, and friends. I am absolutely looking forward to each and every one of the challenges that will be presented, and the victories that will follow said challenges with the only guild that I am proud to call home.

Trophy Case

Our trophy case, as you can see, has a vacant slot. We are planning on filling this with another first place gold trophy. The previous two expansions, coincidentally the only two that Realm of Insanity was a current content guild for, were conquered with unbridled ferocity, unparalleled speed, and unimaginable dedication. Qualities that this guild has thrived on and will continue to do so.

The domination of Alaris begins tomorrow. Please enjoy the show.