Realm of Insanity

Christmas in April

Twas the Day of the Shadow, And all through Norrath,

RoI was preparing, Even Sottovoce.

The shawl aug equipped after only an hour,

In hopes of a developer reverting its power.


The raiders were hustled all snug in their chairs,

While the excitement of content rose their hairs.

With Euros looming and the others close,

Soon to start raiding with all of their bros.


When the UCS crashed with such a clatter,

We sprang from the hall to begin the splatter.

To Shellfish they raced in such a flash,

Burning children, stealing their cash.


The bugs of the zone puzzled ‘ole Luftt,

Eventually finding the pet must be snuffed.

Then what to his eyes were greeted,

Yellow declaring,“Task Stage Completed.”


With the adventurers poised to begin,

Faster than selos, raiders rushing in.

5 dings of the clock, and raids had begun,

Qulas texted, and told them to run!


On Veshin! On Klak! On Hembra and Poyo!

Log in clerics, before Fllint brings Malfo.

To the banner! Say ‘Ready’ to zone,

“Raidtime! It’s time to own!”


As we walk into the arena, the crowd starts to shout.

We soon discover what this fight is about.

The crowd boos, saying ‘too fast!’

The necros are forced not to cast.


His gear was the best, until recently seen.

Any guild using merit, knows what I mean.

The chest spawns, with loot to award.

Congrats Foob, on your brand new sword.


Luclin shouts as she ascends through the stage,

Delighted to be released from her cage.

The final piece of Cazic rests her in her domain.

To retrieve the power, someone must be slain.

As Luclin falls, and begins her moonwalk,

Back to her chair we resume to talk.

Is there any way to bypass this pointless lore?

Give us the loot, you stupid whore.

We soon realize the flaw in our plan,

Finishing the release the day it began.

We must raid and farm these items galore,

All while wondering, ‘When’s tier four?’

Rain of Fear – Completed!

Greetings and salutations!

On December 5th 2012, Realm of Insanity defeated King Xorbb for an unprecedented fourth expansion victory in a row.


It took a great deal of effort and determination from everyone in the guild to achieve this feat, some of us even narrowly escaped death in the reals! I could not have been prouder of everyone who participated in this accomplishment. Shadows of Fear is around the corner, and we will be ready for it.

Mordaur and Findlewill proved to be formidable, however in the end despite Mordaur hitting for 600,000 damage per hit, we proved to be victorious! ( We have since then refined how we do this event! )


Every once in awhile you actually get a good clue in Shard’s Landing!


Without further ado, Realm of Insanity presents: Rain of Fear

Rain of Fear

Everquest’s 19th expansion, Rain of Fear is launching on November 28th

If you’d like a chance to raid with < Realm of Insanity > and get the opportunity to join us to compete for an unprecedented 4th expansion win click here! Don’t let somebody else get your spot!

Specifically we are looking to add a great Paladin or two to our ranks. However, great players of all classes are always considered as well.

Happy Birthday EverQuest!

It’s that time of year. The expansion’s been on farm for months, raid nerfs are rolling out, and EverQuest’s birthday celebrations are underway.

In honor of EverQuest’s 13th birthday, Sony Online Entertainment decided to break instance servers… Meaning, the last current, non-instanced raid would be in Secrets of Faydwer.

Man the battle stations. Plan B, engage:

After a premature wipe, a kind Level 17 Druid helped us rebound, offering some kind words of support.

There’s no real life lesson from this. But there’s always this wonderful picture:

Ranger LFGuild after I get booted for this. ;tell Xegony.Shang.

Live well, and Happy Birthday Everquest.