Realm of Insanity


Aldryn Leadership
Fllint Leadership
Shennron Leadership
Piemastaj Leadership
Astralx Leadership
Tolzol Leadership
Sancus Leadership
Reisil Leadership



Aldryn Leader Magelo
Villette Member Magelo
Sonozen Member Magelo
Songdang Member Magelo
Nniki Member Magelo
Dandin Member Magelo
Linyla Member Magelo
Illuminai Member Magelo



Romance Member Magelo
Beorun Member Magelo
Mewtayshun Member Magelo
Rahoul Member Magelo



Tolzol Officer Magelo
Tunky Member Magelo



Clarisaa Member Magelo
Farzi Member Magelo
Lariiah Member Magelo
Nymera Member Magelo
Trelania Member Magelo
Carnon Member RIP



Kuvani Member Magelo
Fawntemplar Member Magelo
Tilwedarx Member Magelo
Luscarion Member Magelo
Tuona Member Magelo
Gulth Member RIP



Trystych Member Magelo
Eilelyen Member Magelo
Erowydd Member Magelo
Sabrienah Member Magelo



Piemastaj Officer Magelo
Sancus Officer Magelo
Strangle Member Magelo
Reddhuman Member Magelo
Loafbox Member Magelo
Omacron Member Magelo



Astralx Officer Magelo
Qulas Member Magelo



Shennron Officer Magelo
Atvar Member Magelo
Coas Member Magelo



Shmid Member Magelo
Abazzagorath Member Magelo
Hacket Member Magelo
Mightymaus Member Magelo



Penuvien Member Magelo
Moldar Member Magelo
Lanedoraa Member Magelo



Covennx Member Magelo
Betenoire Member Magelo
Pickter App Magelo


Shadow Knights

Reisil Officer Magelo
Sojero Member Magelo
Depravity Member Magelo
Frieza App Magelo



Jondolar Member Magelo
Cozi Member Magelo
Pumm Member Magelo
Goratoar Member Magelo
Ryft Member Magelo
Uglyaf Member Magelo



Fllint Officer Magelo
Rune Member Magelo
Foob Member Magelo
Goruuk Member Magelo



Kizant Member Magelo
Bjpotratz Member Magelo



Sup friends!

< Realm of Insanity > has a few roster spots open for exceptional players and people. If interested in being part of the best raiding guild in the world, view this thread here: Click here omg

Here is a picture of some raspberries, because they are delicious.



They say you aren’t really a champion until you defend your title. They say true champions step up when the pressure is on. There is no better word to describe <Realm of Insanity> then to say that we are champions. With pressure bearing down on us from every direction and the desire to repeat as #1 guild in EverQuest RoI stepped up to the occasion and delivered on Thursday night, becoming the first guild to defeat the House of Thule expansion.

I can’t even begin to count how many people told us that we could never achieve this. It started years ago on the EQplayers boards when the current top guilds were telling us that we were only doing well because we had full strats and once we caught up to them we would be nothing. Or during HoT when we were behind in the race roughly halfway to the finish line. Well guess what, they were all wrong. The other guilds thought they had us beat, but we all knew we would find a way to win, because that’s what winners do.

The passion and heart of this guild is unrivaled, and I am honored to say that I have been a part of it. Every member of this guild past and present has contributed to our success. We worked together as a team and proved everyone wrong. There is nothing sweeter than making your rivals eat their own words.

The RoI anchor has now been firmly planted and defended on top of the EverQuest world, don’t expect to see it move anytime soon.

And remember kids, if you ain’t first, you’re last, skeet skeet.

Raid progression for House of Thule

With the devs doing an uh oh we can’t have the expansion beat before January and removing the raid giver for MC. We are stuck in farm mode of tier 3 and collecting the new Sanctus Key.

Yes!! We get to key the guild for the 3rd time in the past month and a half.  So With nothing new to post raidwise …. Here are 5,000 naked Australians from earlier this year.


On the home front. Here are various screen shots of our guildmates houses. 

Kelvaen’s house. I think he stole it from Kelethin. 


Our humble monks wall

Kamarag’s House. Equipped with a slide.

Mykaylla’s great Library

I can keep posting. Lots of pics i took… but we will save those for another update.

Recruitment :  If you are exceptional and can hang with the big boys. These are the classes we are looking for the most and their priority.


Medium: Bard  (1)


If you are a highly skilled raider and want to be a part of the best guild in EQ then send a tell to Qulas or Swag