Realm of Insanity

Ring of Scale: Conquered!



Not so surprisingly, this update is late as fuck and Realm of Insanity has conquered Ring of Scale with (yet again!) unprecedented speed. We’re trucking along quite nicely, and there’s nothing left to do but rake in that sweet, sweet farm loot!


EverQuest: Installment #25 will be here before we know it! If you’d like to experience the rush of completing an expansion before anyone else and be a part of a raid roster with unmatched skill, check out our recruitment forums! If you’re a dedicated and knowledgeable player, we want to hear from you!especially if you’re a Shaman!

Empires of Kunark Recruitment is now OPEN!

Greetings World!

[Realm of Insanity] is currently looking to fortify it’s ranks and has opened recruitment for the Empires of Kunark Expansion!

If raiding with the best that Norrath has to offer is something that interests you, contact Qulas or one of the officers (Aldryn, Fllint, Shennron, Illa) and come be a part of Everquest history!

Click here for more information!

Broken Mirror Completed

TBM Final

Hello everyone!

The sky is blue. Water is wet. I have amazing Photoshop skills ( see above ). Our website updates always come late. And another obvious statement we can make, and have been making, < Realm of Insanity > defeats another expansion first. This makes an unprecedented seventh expansion in a row for < Realm of Insanity >. Tic Tac Toe seven in a row.

Now lets get serious for a minute. While raiding is still my favorite thing to do in this game, this expansion wasn’t without it’s faults. The Broken Mirror was definitely an appropriate name for the expansion, as a majority of the expansion was, you guessed it, broken. Tier 1 raid Vim and Vigor was giving some guilds a double lockout if you did not kill the bosses in the correct order ( We avoided this ). Tier 2 raids Stem and Tide and Grummus did not even give keys ( We did not avoid this, it was patched quickly though and fixed ). And tier 3 raid Anashti Sul, Enslaver of Souls which drops 2 of the absolute best augs in the game, would have the augs poof and disappear due to another bug. ( We lost 14 augs total due to this or other various bugs )

Bugs have always been a part of the raiding game, this was not unexpected, and certainty did not make anyone upset. If you haven’t played Everquest in awhile, you’re probably thinking ” Big deal bugs happened all the time when I played too, the GM’s would just fix the double lockouts, or hand you the keys you didn’t get, or just award the missing augs to the appropriate person. ” Well that Everquest was in the past, the new Everquest Customer Service works a little more like this:

( Actual GM responses )

“Greetings Qulas,

This is GM Dunbar. Unfortunately, we are no longer assisting with ungranted raid currency or flags. We do not have the capacity to grant entire raids flags and rewards. You will need to repeat the raid in order to gain the currency and rewards that it grants. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.”

“Hello Qulas,

This is GM Woebot. Thank you for updating your ticket. We are aware of this issue, however, as this pertains to new content we will be unable to grant items if they are not being awarded. This issue will need to be corrected on a global level, and we will be unable to grant items to individual players. Though we used to be able to assist with issues like this in the past, we no longer have the resources to do so.”

Notice their suggestion was to repeat a raid that we have a lockout on, and to basically go away if any of your problems have anything to do with new content. What exactly do Everquest GM’s do now-a-days then? No idea. Daybreak’s policy change regarding what customer service can actually assist with is a downright slap in the face to all Everquest players. I’m sorry we’re not playing H1Z1, but we still deserve actual customer support.

My biggest gripe with this expansion however, would be instead of this being Everquest, it was Lockout-Quest. I hope that the next expansion focuses more on which raid force is actually better, instead of which raid force has enough people who are jobless or with time off available to log in at 7 AM on a Tuesday. This expansion was by far the closest one yet, and a big kudos goes out to our competition who really pushed us this year.

Here’s a picture of us on a boat with T-pain and we’re wearing flippy floppys. Wonton fucked a mermaid.


The < Realm of Insanity > machine is currently recruiting, if you’re interested in joining the best guild in Everquest make sure to check our recruitment forums. If you are interested in joining don’t hesitate to contact Qulas, or any of our fine officers ( Aldryn, Fllint, Illa, Shennron )

We are currently looking for the following:

  • Bards
  • Druids



  • Party Smasher

    Yo everyone. It’s the most wonderful time of the year; why? First, I am graciously bestowing a website update upon you, the unworthy masses. Second, the ghouls at Gamebreak Days are giving us yet another EverQuest expansion, The Broken Mirror. Hold up. Before we get to the new shit, let’s take a minute to remember the old shit. But before we even do that, let’s talk recruitment.

    With the new expansion right around the corner, Realm of Insanity is opening recruitment. Now is your chance to get in and see how the reigning #1 don megas of EverQuest do it. You can view our recruitment threads here for more information. While we are currently seeking players of the classes listed below, we will always consider exceptional players from any class. Contact xegony.Qulas if your balls are big enough or if you have questions about your balls being big enough; they very well may be. This is what we need:
    High Demand:

    • Beastlord
    • Ranger
    • Shaman

    Medium Demand:

    • Berserker
    • Cleric

    Ok, enough of that businessy shit. Let’s revisit last expansion, The Darkend Sea, one final time before we forever move on.

    I mean, I come on here and shit on pretty much everything. Just everything. Shit everywhere. Just shitting words of shit. Fingers like loose assholes just typing uncontrolled shit. On everything. Shit. And while that’s pretty much the only reality I know, I do acknowledge that sometimes I can someday I could be wrong. And while I found the The Darkened Sea about as enjoyable as AIDS eyedrops, I thought I would do the fair thing and let the voice of the peoples be heard. After all, I am a man of the people if nothing else.

    So I put a poll up pinning EverQuest’s 21st expansion The Darkened Sea against Realm of Insanity’s very own Reggie Washington. You might remember Reggie as the hot tempered afro-saurus from like every website update last year. Hundreds of people turned out to vote in the poll and as you can see by the final results below, it was a real barn burner:

    The Darkened Sea vs. Reggie Washington
    Oh…wait. Reggie won by like…a lot.

    I just want to take a second to remind everyone that Reggie Washington doesn’t exist. He’s literally just a dinosaur with an afro, a cigar and some sweet aviators that I made up entirely in my imagination. He’s not real. He doesn’t exist. But The Darkened Sea is very real, it does exist and we all spent like $80 on it. Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see what’s waiting for us in EverQuest’s 22nd expansion, The Broken Mirror.

    The shit isn’t even released yet and I can tell we’re off to a good start with this one. Next time you name an expansion, pick a name that doesn’t come directly off of a book about coping with body dysmorphia. Not that I don’t truly love ruining people’s days but scores of body dysmorphic psychopaths Google searching ‘The Broken Mirror’ will soon have to scroll through rows of results featuring a scantily clad elf that is quite comfortable in her metal bikini. Forever reminding those fatty pig pigs of the body image and comfort that they will never have. Ever, pigs. Do you hear me? Ever.

    Fucking nailed it. I can’t wait for the 23rd expansion, EverQuest: The Porcelain God which introduces the new god Bulimia Nervosa and his attempts to bring Norrath to its knees. I can’t speak for everyone but I’m hungry to binge play that one and more. AFK, bathroom

    Keeping up with the just fantastic decisions, The Broken Mirror is scheduled to be released on November 17th alongside another much anticipated game, Star Wars: Battlefront. Here is me on November 17th:

    EverQuest? Nope.

    I can’t believe I’m about to say this with a straight face: Check back here frequently for future website updates as we smash and grab our way through The Broken Mirror. There will be oh so many tales of victory and virtue as told by yours truly. I’m so excited for something new to write about that I can’t stop soiling myself. There’s not a pair of dry pants in this house. And if you’re not into reading which, let’s face it, who is; you can watch us on Twitch at Until then, keep your biscuit buttered.


