Realm of Insanity

Howeverthefucklong it’s been since I updated this

It’s been a fairly long time since I last updated this thing and I’m sure all of you at home have been dying to know what <Realm of Insanity> has been up to since then.  To be honest, not much has happened.  We’ve just been farming Tower and Hard Mode and preparing ourselves for the utter destruction we are going to lay down on Underfoot coming up in December.  One day I did get bored and I decided I would go slay the root of all evil.  So, I headed over to Shar Vahl and this was the scene a few minutes later.

vah shir resize

Unfortunately, there were too many of them for me to kill them all before they ran away.  Here is one that got away, if you see it anywhere in Norrath please contact me so that I can find it and exterminate it.

vah shir are bad

So anyway, on to the important part.  RoI still has a select few roster spots available in our raid roster for highly skilled raiders with high raid attendance.  If you want to be the best, you need to raid with the best, and if you want to do that then you need to send a tell to Qulas, Gindainy, or Swag as soon as possible to make sure we have room for you.  We currently have openings for the following classes, but that is subject to change so if you are interested don’t hesitate to ask us even if you class is not listed here.

Berserker – High Need

Rogue – High Need

Shaman – High Need

Wizard – Medium Need

Cleric – Medium Need

Druid – Medium Need

Enchanter – Medium Need

And everyone’s favorite part, (likely the only part most people even read) here is a random collection of laughs.

update oct21_resize

P.S. half of this pic is from Quirky, so if it sucks blame him.

Hi from DoN, wish you were here.

RoI beat everything in DoN besides Vishimtar in one day moving along in our DoN progression. We’ve also continued to farm Anguish and Tacvi and to complete epic 2.0s

Here is just a sample of what we accomplished today:







High Priest Muram Tunat Tkarish Pixtt Aneuk



Again, most recruiting is closed except for a few clerics, 1-2 beastlords and 1-2 enchanters. If you desire to join us in leading the server head over to our forums.

Why doesn’t RoI update their damn website…? We’re busy killing shit!

There isn’t much to kill in Kunark ladies, updates are not needed I say! Now, we finally have something worthy of an update! The end goal in the meantime has been our friend Vulak`Aerr. In his short lifespan here’s the best portrait you’ll get before the storm.


Serverwide first of his slaying; It seems however, not everyone was happy about the death of sir Vulak…



That’s not even a good enough insult! I ask all you young warriors out there to fling something more caustic, our screenshot keys are itching to go! Any insult making fun of Lukrathien scores extra points.

We’ve been on a rampage! Most everthing that was alive… now isnt! Behold the glorious money shots of a few dead critters of Norrath. Statue, Sevelak, Cekenar, Vindi, Sontalak, Eashen, lots of drakes, wurms and asshole guild members that don’t turn off attack on enrage… all DEAD. For your enjoyment you can clearly see the color of dragon that was killed in the loot shots, aren’t they beautiful?


And we could never have done it without the support of our lovable leader, always there to bring us up when we’re down, our bubble of joy and fluffy bunny extraordinare…
