Realm of Insanity

Another Trophy For RoI

Last you heard from <Realm of Insanity> we were hours away from the much anticipated server merge between The Combine and Druzzil Ro.  I am happy to report that pretty much everything went well with the merge.  There are a few bugs (hi Duurras), but overall it went smooth and we are grateful that it happened.  So far we’ve been able to add quite a few quality people to our ranks which should prove helpful as we make our push to finish off the SoD expansion.

So that brings me to our next point, finishing SoD.  RoI currently has something like 30ish Tower Keys so we decided that this week would be a good time to start playing around in Tower of Discord.  God knows the rest of this expansion can be beat with 36 or less, why would the final zone be any different?  Wednesday and Thursday of this week 36 RoI members adventured into the Tower of Discord and came out with a new trophy for our mantle.  I can say that I personally found the events to be pretty fun and unique, but it is obvious that they are way undertuned.  It’s kind of sad that events in the endzone of this expansion can be beaten with 36, but maybe it’s just because we’re that damn good?  Either way, facts are facts, and Events 1 and 2 are down.  Expect more Tower events to fall soon…

Recruitment-  As expected, the server merge has provided us with an influx of new applicants to RoI.  Our ranks are starting to fill up quickly, but we still have quite a few spots open for quality apps.  If you are interested in applying to RoI please check out the recruitment section of our forums and contact Gindainy in game for more information.

Good Bye Combine, Hello Druzzil!

Barring unforseen circumstances, The Combine server will be merged with Druzzil Ro tomorrow morning at 5am (in the good time zone).  Anyone who has played on The Combine server in the last 5 months knows that this is way overdue.  It’s going to be both a sad day and a great day for everyone on The Combine.  Nonetheless, it’s finally happening tomorrow.

Next week will also mark another significant event, <Realm of Insanity’s> push into the Tower of Discord.  With every other event in SoD currently defeated, it’s time for RoI to do work in end zone of the expansion.  If you are interested in being part of RoI as we defeat this expansion then I have good news for you!.  We are currently recruiting most classes.  Here is a summary of what is currently available:

High need

Bard (2)
Berserker (2)
Rogue (2)
Shaman (2)

Medium need

Beastlord (1)
Cleric (1)
Druid (1)
Enchanter (1)
Paladin (2)
Ranger (1-2)
Shadow Knight (1)
Wizard (1-2)

Low need


If you class is currently listed as low need then you can still talk to an Officer, we are always willing to make exceptions for highly skilled players.  For more information read the recruitment section of our forums and/or send an in game tell to Gindainy or Swag.

See you all on Druzzil!

Basic Math

Let’s do some math



The Brothers Zek event in SoD is probably the only event we have encountered thus far that actually offered any substantial challenge.  Although, that can be debated, because some people might say that any event which can be defeated by 43 people in just 2 nights worth of attempts is not very challenging.  Whether you believe that this fight is hard or not is irrelevant, what is important is that <Realm of Insanity> defeated it this week along with Eriak’s Downfall and Rallos Returns.  This makes us the 17th guild serverwide to defeat these events, which is no small accomplishment for a server that started from scratch less than 3 years ago.

If you are interested in applying to RoI, please get in contact with Gindainy or Swag as soon as possible.  If you are interested in cybering please ;t druzzil.Lesia.

/guildremove Ssrath

These past two weeks, <Realm of Insanity> finally figured out the secret strat to defeating all the mobs in Korafax.  The secret is just to guild remove Ssrath before every fight and then the mobs will fall over for you.  You might be saying to yourself, that doesn’t make sense, and to be honest it doesn’t, but it’s about as logical as some of the mechanics are in these SoD raids.  It’s almost like the devs said to themselves, “Let’s make this fight so if the third warrior in group 2 of the raid window doesn’t tank the mob on the east side of the room THE WHOLE RAID GETS DEATHTOUCHED”

For reals though, this expansion is a cakewalk so far.  Our next encounter is supposed to be the hardest one in the expansion so who knows, it might take us 2 whole nights worth of attempts and possibly even a raid of 42 people to defeat, but I doubt it.

Anyhow, here’s some pics of us in action.

And the biggest laugh we’ve had in a long time…