After Slaying both Mayong and Solusek the Realm of Insanity took a week or so off from normal scheduled insanity and began the grind to 80 and to get our essential AAs done. Fast forward 2-3 weeks and the Realm has defeated not one, not two, not three, not even four, but all 5 of the bosses involved with Mansion flagging, we’ve currently got 3 kills of each 5 mobs under the belt and are a week or two out from beginning Mansion raids. We’ve gotten a lot of loot, a few wipes here and there, and even some freak deathtouchwallâ„¢ accidents. We also managed to take out bimbalicious and the first two bloodmoon keep raids making us an official tier3 guild with bimb down. This week we will continue farming solteris, sof, and whatever else gets in our way. Starting with this news post there will also be theme songs for updates, this update’s themesong is Total Eclipse of the Heart by the Dan Band.
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There’s various reason why this track was chosen, but I won’t go into explaining them. And now for this weeks random tells and severwides(I missed a lot of serverwide screenshots cause I did get over it.)
1 Magician
1-2 Bards
1-2 Clerics
1 Rogue
1 Druid (Possibly)
Someone for Bigpop to be friends with
Sorry for the lack of updates, had a lot of shit happen this month. Last you saw the Realm of Insanity had just beaten event 2 in solteris, fast forward a month or so and Solteris has been defeated. Theres far too much loot to link but I’ll include a screenshot of some goodies. We had a great week recieving our first wins over commodus and 2 gods, beating 2 gods in 7 attempts. We’re now all busy leveling, factioning, keying, cybering, etc-ing in the Secrets of Faydwer as we come one step closer to being a top guild gamewide.
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Recruitment is pretty tight atm, fielding a strong force, however we’re looking for a cleric or two and a druid. We may also consider other exceptional applicants. Send tells to Bigpop, Shennron, or Bazoinks in game if you’re interested.
A few days ago RoI was able to beat Aprosis leaving only 5 more encounters between us and SoF. Summer attendance has been spotty so we’ve also been plundering TSS and we’re able to scrounge up a few damage aug this past week. Not too much to update, should get more work done in Solteris this week with another update or two to follow. Attached some screens with the normal cyber/random eq awesomeness and included some loot shots.
1 Wizard
1 Magician
1 Druid
1-2 Rogues
1 Enchanter(High Priority)
1 Monk
As always if you wish to apply to RoI talk to Bigpop, Shennron, or Sanq in game, any work towards solteris flag is always a plus, also playing eq a lot and not being annoying are real winners in my book.
Been a pretty slow week for the Realm of Insanity so I thought I’d throw up a new update. Not too much to report except that the council has met.
The council decided both Atnuob and Bigpop are terrible looters and that Sanq is the best.
In other news we’re recruiting so check out the list below.
1 Wizard
1-2 Rogues
1 Shaman (HIGH PLAYTIME IS A MUST!!!!!!)
1 Enchanter(High Priority)
1 Druid
As always if you wish to apply to RoI talk to Bigpop or Sanq in game, any work towards solteris flag is always a plus, also playing eq a lot and not being annoying are real winners in my book.
P.S. Giban and Swag like dudes.