Realm of Insanity

2 weeks later… some guilds have died, others rape the land.

2 weeks later what do have to show for ourselves? Nothing really… unless you count the first single tanking of AoW pre-luclin, the death of all 4 warders (though not at the same time… YET!)
I’m proud to say that Realm of Insanity has dominated this expansion, we can count the number of raid mobs we’ve NOT killed ourselves on 2 hands. P.S. Dozekar is a worthless piece of crap he certainly doesn’t count! I thus present to you, a collage of our spoils and adventures.



And of course, we all love the phatties, here’s what screenshots I’ve actually been able to take… we’re missing probably 60% of what we’ve killed in the last 2 weeks, but it is good enough.



Our noob of the week has a great drawing to illustrate his sadness. For those out of the loop, you will keenly notice that we’ve not killed a single Kunark mob since Velious opened, this chap seems to have his pants all a flutter nonetheless.


And people always ask us, how are you guys so awesome, why do you rape every mob multiple times and steal all thier weapons?

It’s easy:
#1 We never ever mess up, even our hair is nicely done at every raid.
#2 Our guild leader gives helpful, encouraging advice, encouraging a pleasant care-free environment. thx asshole…
#3 Our other officers don’t do much except participate in thier favorite activities: Beastiality, Pedophilia, and /wrists.

