Yo everyone. We are a day away from SOE Live, where a veritable nerd herd shall brave the rays of the bright desert sun and descend upon the wonderful city of Las Vegas to discuss a variety of MMO related topics such as “she was actually a guy the whole time” and “how much from the all-you-can-eat buffet are you allowed take back to the room”, the later of which will be measured in pounds…and probably the former, now that I think about it. So with that monumentous occasion looming, I figured this was probably a good time to update the website; to document our dominance in the world of EverQuest officially.
So where we at? Last time you were here, you saw that we firmly put it in Argin-Hiz’s pooper before anyone else; no sloppy seconds for us. But the remainder of the Call of the Forsaken expansion, the final event, was still forthcoming. We were anxious to finish off this pig but we had to wait. That’s when Charlie dropped a surprise attack on us: the final event, The Journey Home, was going live at 3AM EST – an unusual, unprecedented and undermining maneuver. In the end, this proved to be the most challenging aspect of the expansion’s finale: explaining to our wives why we sleep through the alarm for work at 6AM but are up and ready to raid at 3AM. Unsurprisingly, our collective pimp hands were strong and we smacked the shit out of our wives Zebuxoruk and his team of flunkies for our 6th consecutive #1 serverwide win. Congratulations to all of my misters and sisters in Realm of Insanity.
Disclaimer: I know that on the Tower of Rot update I stated that we were on like 7 consecutive wins but I miscounted. Apologies. When it comes to serverwide expansion victories, we haven’t had to count past 1 in a while so I got all fucked up. In any case: we’re #1, 6 in a row. It is known. XOXOXO