Realm of Insanity

Fine, I’ll update the damn website!

As promised, Emperor was next, pictured here being given a Lidden Tumbler:


After only 8 days of keying, we were ready to take down this giant scaley penis. He died in perfectly executed fashion, and we placed yet another whore on the farming checklist. Aten Ha Ra dies this week meaning will PoP be soon open!? Actually no it will not, unless you slack ass guilds get 3 beastlord SoV bps.
Instead, we will go from our niche killing and keying to dominating the entire fucking server (yet again) Thus if you don’t put in the effort to open PoP we will ensure that shit stays dead serverwide. Thusly: go farm us some leather tunics, if you want we’ll even send our lvl 60’s beastlords over to loot it 😉 This will continue until we are bored out of our fucking minds, and/or have no gear to upgrade our lvl 1 vah shir characters.
And finally, 25% of what the guild has looted since last update:
